
How to Login into Motorola Surfboard Router

Hello everyone, I want to configure my router setting but I'm not able to configure because login is mandatory and I attempt much time but fails every time. So can anyone suggest me how to login into Motorola surfboard router

  • Viner

  • 1


  • 1 year ago

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Answer - 1

Motorola Surfboard Login:

To login into the Motorola Surfboard Router-

Step 1 : You need to open the browser in your computer.

Step 2 : Type the default Ip address of Motorola surfboard router, which is .

Step 3 : Type the default username as : admin

Step 4 : Type the default Password as :motorola

That’s how you can login to the Motorola surfboard router.

  • Published by:  Eric   
  •  1 year ago