
Why Is My Buffalo Router Keeps On Disconnecting

I have a Buffalo router that has been great except for one problem. It disconnects me for a couple seconds once ever 40 to 60 minutes. This isn't noticeable if I'm visiting websites but if I'm streaming music or video or playing an online game I get disconnected from it and have to start streaming the media again or reconnect to the game server. I've reset the router to factory defaults to make sure it wasn't my configuration and I've changed the MTU size (Buffalo's suggestion to me) to no avail. I updated the firmware and haven't seen any change. This happens to every PC connected to the router and it doesn't happen when I bypass the router. I'm hoping to avoid replacing the router as I no longer have my proof of purchase and Buffalo won't replace it for free without one. Any ideas of something else I should try?

  • Harry

  • 2


  • 3 years ago

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Answer - 1

Buffalo Router Keep Disconnecting:

You'll want to make sure that it's the router and not your modem that's the problem. Try plugging your computer in directly to the modem and stream music or play a game or something.

If you get disconnected like this then the problem is not with the router. It may be your modem.

If you have DSL check all your phone filters and make sure they're properly installed. If you've checked your filters or if you're on cable call your ISP and see if they can check the lines.

There may be some faulty wiring somewhere that they can fix. If you DON'T disconnect without the router though you'll have to try out their tech support and see if they can offer any solutions for you.

  • Published by:  Watson   
  •  3 years ago
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Answer - 2

Buffalo Router Keeps On Disconnecting:

May still be the router if its wireless mode is set wrongly for your adapter -- or there is a minor incompatibility between your adapter's implementation of wireless n and the router's implementation of it.

See if the problem goes if you switch the router's wireless mode to wireless g.

  • Published by:  Waugh   
  •  3 years ago