Step 1 - Firstly make sure you have setup your modem and have its login credentials i.e., username and password.
Step 2 – Take a LAN cable and connect the modem to router’s LAN socket (internet port).
Step 3 – After plugging modem, turn on the router and wait for a couple of minutes for initialization.
Step 4 - Check your router’s manual to get the username and password. IF you don’t have manual then check at the backside of the router, there will be a small sticker and username and password are written on it.
Step 5 -.In next step, launch the internet browser and type “” in the address bar. After logging into Buffalo router setup wizard, tap on the Internet.
Login into Buffalo router setup page by entering these credentials -
Username – admin
Password – password
Step 6 – After logging, move to left pane and tap on the Internet. After this, tap on Detailed Settings and then click on PPPoE button. Now you will be redirected to a next webpage. After this, click on “Edit Destination” button and you will be redirected to this screen.
Enter the details that are provided by your ISP -
Connection name – Type username here
Connected Username – Type username@ISP
Connection Password – Password
Service Name – Your Service Provider
Step 7 - In last, click the Add button, and you are done!
After setting up Buffalo router, see how to change SSID -
a. Connect your Buffalo AirStation to PC and verify that both devices are powered on.
b. Launch an internet browser and type AirStation's IP address into the address bar. If you don’t know your router’s IP address then check the setup card that is included in AirStation package. Although you can also use AirStation Configuration tool to check AirStation's IP address.
c. Log into Buffalo AirStation by entering login credentials.
d. After logging, tap on “Wireless” tile.
e. Now, you have to enter a new SSID for 11n/ 11 ac network. Also, verify the SSID is not conflicting with another device’s SSID on the network. After this, apply the settings.
f. Once finished, log out of Buffalo AirStation settings and close the web browser.
If you face any trouble during setup or while connecting the laptop to the router then please don’t hesitate to let me know by dropping a message, I will definitely help you.
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