How do I Setup my Buffalo Airstation Wireless Router ?

Buffalo AirStation wireless router is a high-speed home network providing up to 300 Mbps. It supports high-power technologies that improve coverage and reduce dead spots.

It is easy to install, and anyone with technical knowledge can set up the Buffalo AirStation wireless router.

Still, anyone needing more technical knowledge can set it up quickly by following a sure step-by-step guide.

You need to connect AirStation with your personal computer and power on both devices, then launch a web browser and enter the IP address of AirStation; now login to the web by entering your username and password, and as you log in, go to the advanced settings option then click on access control tab and enable it, you can also make additional changes in the settings like internet access time and end time, etc. You can log out of settings and close the browser when the changes have been made.

Step by Step Guide to Setup Buffalo Airstation Wireless Router:

Configuring access control on a Buffalo Airstation: 

  • Firstly connect the AirStation with personal computer and power on both the device.
  • Now you need to launch a web browser and enter the IP address in the address bar of web browser. If you do not know the AirStation IP address, you need to check the setup card included in your AirStation package or you can use AirStation configuration tool to display it.
  • Now you are required to login to the web interface.
  • For login, you are required to enter username and password in the appropriate boxes. Default username for buffalo router web interface is admin and the password is password.

  • After logging the system, you need to click on the advance setting option.

  • Then click on the security tab which is located on the left side then click on the access control sub tab.

  • Check on the enable to enable access control and then click on the add.
  • In the target computer field, you need to enter the MAC address of a personal computer on the network whose internet access you wish to limit. You can have up to 20 target computers under the access control

  • Now you scroll down to the register section and select either internet access or no internet access option.
  • Now set the start time, end time, and days for the computer’s permitted access time. Here 0 refers to midnight. Let us understand with an example suppose if you set computer A to have internet access from  7:00 to 10:00 on Thursday and Saturday, then computer A can only access the internet during those times and it would not be able to get online during other times.

  • Now you need to click on edit permitted access time to save the changes .
  • Now you can make additional changes in the schedule if needed, you can repeat steps 8-11 or you can click on the add to finish.
  • Now you will be returned to the access control screen and your computer’s access setting will be displayed. Click on the apply button which is located at the bottom side of the screen to finish setting access control.

  • When all the things finished, you need to logout of the setting and close the web browser.

This is the complete step by step guide to setup my Buffalo AirStation wireless router?

On the other side here we are explaining after complete setup how we can access the configuration interface of the airstation. So we are explaining this in the blog also.

Before operation you are required following things which are mandatory to perform this operation.

  • You should connect your personal computer to the airstation by wireless or wired router to access the web-based configuration interface.
  • If the configuration tool is not installed, install it with the setup CD.
  • You need to disable security software temporarily which might be trend micro, Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee. 

These above things should be installed earlier.

Process to Access Configuration Interface for the Buffalo Airstation:

  • First select start->all program->Buffalo air station utility->buffalo airstation configuration tool.
  • Click on the next button.
  • Select the airstation which you want to configure and click on next.
  • Enter the username and password and click on OK.

For the username and password refers to administrator card if it was not included in the airstation.

Factory Default of User Friendly Firmware

Username = root

Password= empty

Factory default for professional firmware

Username= root

Password= admin


buffalo airstation, buffalo air station, buffalo airstation configuration tool, buffalo airstation router