
Troubleshoot Tenda Router Problems

Hi there...I just recently bought a Tenda router and followed all the steps in setting the device. The device is now visible but when we tried to connect to it, it says it has limited access. I'm using Smart Bro so I'm not sure if it has something to do with my Internet Service Provider. Thanks!

  • Albert

  • 3


  • 2 years ago

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Troubleshoot Tenda Router Problems:

Tenda routers are being used in foreign countries mainly as Canada, Australia, UK and US. These router runs in a speedily way without any error. In these routers have same common problems such as password recovery, reset tenda routers, Wi-Fi glitches, unable to setup as wired or wireless router, installation/configuration/un-installation problems while connecting to the other device.

Get instant resolutions that help to troubleshoot Tenda Router problems in a specific time.

Steps that helped to troubleshoot Tenda Router Problems stated as:  

First Customers check them all hardware Tenda Router Connections.

Step-1 Give one click to advanced settings or on an advanced which gets directly logged into a Tenda router setup page.

Step-2 Now choose advanced settings again and again. Then users need to select WAN speed as directly. Get to change a WAN speed as 10M full-duplex or a 10M half-duplex.

Step-3 In a Tenda router setup page, one needs to choose as System Tools/Management/Tools under the heading of the main menu. Then customers need to select as restore into a factory default or make a process to restore in its default. In the factory default settings, reset the Tenda Router system device.

Step-4 Search the Tenda Router Reset button and keep to hold that reset key button for at least 10-15 seconds. Then a Tenda router will find out the indicators as turned on or off. Then customize all its new settings of this Tenda router device after resetting its process.

  • Published by:  Amery   
  •  2 years ago
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Get to Troubleshoot Tenda Router Device by Trying These Solutions:

i). Need to verify a strong internet connection type.

ii). Do the power cycle your DSL modem device and also a Tenda Router.

iii). Let us change the Tenda router LAN IP address into a setup page.

iv). Then do the process of reset the Tenda Router device into its factory default settings.

First check whether you’re Tenda Router is accessible or not. If all connections are perfectly connected and unable to find an issue, then ask to your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

  • Published by:  Andrew   
  •  2 years ago
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Tenda Router Troubleshooting:

Performing a process of power cycle in Tenda routers then do as listed below:

Step-1 Firstly unplug a power cable into a DSL modem and a Tenda Router Device.

Step-2 Then Tenda routers need to wait for 35-40 seconds.

Step-3 Wait for a tenda router device until n unless a modem light lightens up. Now get to connect with an Internet as instantly.

 Hopefully, all customers find the best troubleshooting steps for Tenda Router devices by following the above instructions as described there.

  • Published by:  Broad   
  •  2 years ago