Linksys is the most popular brand including many other network products and is owned by Cisco. Which is also called as the nation's top networking hardware providers? Moreover Linksys routers are known for its quicker and easiest way to setup.
When you are connecting a Linksys router to a computer there is no need to connect the cable modem or does not include any other broadband internet connection. Even though it can be connect your computers laptops or any other wireless devices without using a modem to any location from where you get the best signals.
Step-1 First of all opens your Linksys router. Plug the power connections into the power outlet. Be sure that where you place your Linksys router where it should be reached to all your computers as well as devices wherever you want to connect.
Step-2 By using a network cable plugs one end into PC's network card and connects your Linksys router to a computer and then plug the other end into the back of the router in one of the opened connection.
Step-3 Lets open your web browser. To setup your router there is a Linksys router manual along with IP address also with username as well as password.
Now type an IP address into your address bar and enter return. When it appears a router screen enter the username along with password. Now if change any router settings like password and also change wireless security settings only if your router has wireless options.
Step-4 Then connect any other devices. Therefore a Linksys router has many several ports for connecting other computer as well as network devices without any broadband or any type of modem.
However, these above steps are describing about how to setup Linksys router without modem. Mostly it depends on the interaction and communication into the web and also the entire location is more beneficial.
Although it founds highly success for business purpose as well as the home environment. But in entire cases it depends on your product or what type of router are you using and then we design to make it for better use that provides better connections without using modem.
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