Netgear Router is the most demanded router among the users. This is due to its ease in setting it up. To set up a Netgear Router without a modem you just have to make sure that you have an ethernet cable and that it is connected to the ports and to your computer properly.
After that open a web browser and enter the IP address of your router and then login to the router using username and password. As you logged in a Setup Wizard will open on screen and here you can choose the connection type you want and allow your Netgear router to get an automated IP address.
Now complete the settings of setup wizard and choose WPA2 as your encryption type in security settings and then set a strong password.
Now save all the changes made and close the window. Hence, you have successfully set up your Netgear router without a modem.
Step 1 - First of all, you have to connect Netgear router’s DSL port to the phone line, via the DSL microfilter. Now take an ethernet cable for connecting your operating system to Netgear router’s LAN ports. Also, don’t forget to connect your Netgear router to power supply unit. (PSU)
Step 2 - To access Netgear login page, open an internet browser, enter “” and press Enter. Now you are prompted to log into Netgear router. Enter the default login credentials i.e., username – admin, password – password.
Step 3 - After logging into Netgear router, tap on “Setup Wizard” option from the top left corner and then choose “Yes” to detect internet connection type.
Step 4 - Once the setup wizard detects your internet connection type, you will see the appropriate configuration page. Now you have to follow the steps that are mentioned below -
Wizard Detected PPPoE login account setup - You have to enter PPPoE login username and password in the required fields. This information is provided by ISP.
Wizard Detected PPPoA Login Account Setup - Enter login details I.e, username, and password. This information is also provided by ISP.
Wizard Detected Dynamic IP Account Setup - In order to set Dynamic IP as the connection method, just click on Apply button.
Wizard Detected IP over ATM Account Setup - You have to enter IP address and subnet mask (info is provided by ISP). After this, you have to enter the IP address of ISP’s Primary DNS server. Also enter Secondary DNS server, if available. Click on Apply button to save the settings and test your internet connection.
Wizard Detected Fixed IP (Static) Account Setup -
Lastly, once overall changes get applied, you have to verify whether you are connected to the internet or not. For this, navigate to the Maintenance menu and check Router Status. Confirm that your Netgear router has a valid IP address on the Internet or ADSL port.
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