
Setup Port Forwarding on Belkin Router

Hello, Please let me know how to setup Port Forwarding on Belkin router? I am facing some issue while setup Port Forwarding on Belkin router. I tried many times but unavailable to setup Belkin port forwarding. So can anyone have any idea?

  • Myah

  • 1


  • 2 years ago

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Answer - 1

Setup Port Forwarding on Belkin Router:

The Belkin router user has easy and simple interface to follow and it has a good performance building . Belkin router has a basic firewall that helps protect your home network from unwarranted Internet activity. The firewalls perform this by stop incoming and outgoing ports.

To follow this, you need to forward the port with a process called Belkin router port forwarding.

Open Ports on Belkin Routers-

Many of Belkin routers are easy to set up and that combines the belkin port forwarding section. These routers protect to have about 10 spots where you can forward a port to devices. You must not forward a range of ports, only one at a time. This is a real problem if you need to forward a large number of ports or a range of ports.

If you can't find you router in the list below, I suggested trying our Belkin F7D1301 guide.  It must obtain you an open Belkin port forwarding on simply any Belkin router.

Belkin Router Port Forwarding Guide-

Step 1:  Visit any web browser and type router’s IP address ( by default) in the address box. Type username your router password (the default password is blank).

Step 2:  Navigate to Firewall > Virtual Servers

Step 3: 

  • Check Enable
  • Check the statement, type a description of your network device.
  • In “Inbound port” type camera’s port number.
  • Next select the “Type” you want to use.
  • Types the Camera’s IP address in “Private IP Address”
  • In “Private port” enter camera’s port number.
  • Follow step 5 again for any more ports you want to forward.
  • Click on “Apply Changes”

Quick Guide to Help You Enable Port Forwarding on Belkin Router:

  • How to configure a static IP address on the device you plan on forwarding ports to.
  • How to logging to the Belkin router’s interface.
  • How to figure the port forwarding page in the router’s web interface.

Step 1: It is important to configure a static IP address on the system that you are forwarding a port to. Make sure that your ports will continue open again after your device restart.

Step 2: Now, try to logging into your Belkin router. This router has a web interface, so you try to log into with the help of your web browser. Try with this Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Edge. You can use any browser with your choice.

  • Visit your web browser and find the address bar.
  • Simply enter the router’s IP address in the address box. By default the IP address is usually set to:
  • After typing the IP address of your router you can just press enter.
  • Upon this page tap on Virtual Servers option on the left sidebar.
  • You should now see a box prompting you for your username and password.

      • The Default Belkin Router Username is: admin
      • The Default Belkin Router Password is: password
  • Type your password, and after that tap on submit button to log into your Belkin F7D1301 v1 router.

 Step 3: Now, you need to search the port forwarding part in your router. Here’s how you do it. Starting from the first page in your router:

    • Tap on option of Virtual Servers on the left sidebar.

 Step 4:

  • In the Enable checkbox put a checkmark.
  • Put a name for this forward in the description box so you can remember why you set this forward up. The name is not an issue you can pick which you want to.
  • Access the port to forward into together the Inbound Port and the Outbound Port boxes.
  • Choose the required protocol for these ports from the enter dropdown box.
  • Type the IP address that you are forwarding ports to in the individual IP Address box. It is any of the IP address of a computer or the IP address of another device on your network.
  • When you’re finished, click the Apply Changes at the top of the screen to save your changes.

 Test if Your Ports are Open-

Now that you have forwarded ports on your Belkin router, you should test to see if your Belkin port forwarding properly.

  • Published by:  Alex   
  •  2 years ago