The most common and default mode of the Nighthawk Router and all other wireless routers is the Nighthawk AP Mode. In this mode the router behaves like a central connection point from which other wireless clients can also connect.
To connect the router in this mode you need to perform certain steps like connect one end of the ethernet cable to the LAN port and the other to the WAN port.
Connect the computer system to the Netgear router and launch a web browser on your device then type and visit the admin interface of the connected wireless router.
Now login with username and password and then click on advanced setup on advanced settings tab. Finally choose the desired router mode you want for your router and then click on the apply button.
Nighthawk AP Mode: This is the most common and default mode for all wireless routers, also referred to as Infrastructure mode. In this mode, the router behaves as a central connection point from which other wireless clients can connect to.
Client Mode: You can use this mode if your internet connection is provided by a remote access point, and you want to connect a subnet of your own to it.
As already discussed that AP mode is the default mode of any wireless router.
Below given are the instructions you must follow to setup nighthawk router to access point mode.
Step 1 : Firstly, connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the LAN port of your existing gateway and the other end to the WAN port of your NETGEAR router.
Step 2 : Connect a computer system or device to the NETGEAR router and quickly launch a web browser on your running device.
Step 3 : Type in the URL bar of the browser and visit the admin interface of that connected wireless router.
In a case if does not work, try the following two choices:
Step 4 : Now in the admin interface of NETGEAR router, a prompt window is shown which will ask you to enter the username and password. Type the following default login credentials into the provided fields.
Remember that Username and password are both case sensitive fields. Usually,
Username=admin and
Password= password
Note: If these provided default login credentials are not working for accessing the admin panel, you might have modified the admin password before.
Moreover, if you are unable to recall the new password, you must directly perform a factory reset to the router device which will restore the router to its factory default settings.
Step 5 : Under the Advanced settings tab, click on Advanced Setup and choose a desired router mode. The offered modes displayed to the user are Router/ AP / Bridge / Repeating Mode.
Step 6 : Lastly, Click Apply and save the settings. Your Netgear Nighthawk router will now reboot into its router mode. So, your devices will now have a new IP address from the router with a default gateway of
Hope you will answer helpful in setup nighthawk as access point.
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