
How to Set Up Password on Wireless Belkin (54g)Router

I want to setup a password on my Belkin (54g) router but not aware how to conduct this process. Actually, I read Belkin router manual but found it complex to apply security settings on my router. I tried to setup password probably 10 times but failed each time. Suggest me how to setup password on Belkin wireless router.

  • Ahmad

  • 1


  • 3 years ago

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Answer - 1

Belkin 54g Router Password:

To setup Password on Belkin 54g Router, Use Belkin Router Manager -
  1. First of all, you have to insert one end of the ethernet cable into Belkin router’s port and another end into your computer.
  2. On your computer, just click on Belkin Router Manager. Next, scroll up mouse cursor and then choose Router Settings.
  3. Move to the top-right corner of the page and then click on Login.
  4. Enter the password that you have. If you don’t have the password then don’t worry, just leave the field empty.
  5. Next, move to Navigation panel and tap on Security.
  6. For setting up password - WPA/WPA-2 Personal Security mode – You can see your current Pre-Shared key and this key is your wireless network security password.
  7. In the Pre-Shared key field, you can enter the password of your choice. After changing the value of the Pre-Shared key, just uncheck the “Obscure PSK box”. 64 bit WEP security mode – Choose Key 1 and then type any 10 hexadecimal digits.
  8. At last, apply the changes by clicking on “Apply Change” button.

Once, you made these changes, all wireless device that is connected to your Belkin router will disconnect and then you have to reconnect by using the new password.

  • Published by:  Doug   
  •  3 years ago