
How to Resolve Trouble Outbound Remote Desktop Connection on DLink Router

Hi, I am having a lot of trouble setting up a remote desktop connection to my workplace through my Dlink DIR-600L Wireless N150 Home Cloud Broadband Router at home. I know it is the router causing the problem because when I physically bypass it, I can connect to my workplace no problem with Remote Desktop Connection. I have tried disabling the built-in firewall, port triggering port 3389, creating a static IP on my end and port forwarding port 3389 to that computer. Ultimately I would like to be able to use Remote Desktop Connection on all my computers at home to connect to work, so I think that port forwarding is not the right choice anyway. I don't see why the client-side router should have to do port forwarding, I thought only the host-side router should be port forwarding. Any help would be extremely appreciated as this is becoming very frustrating.

  • Gail

  • 1


  • 2 years ago

Answer Link
Answer - 1

Dlink Router Remote Access -

First, you need to log into your Dlink router by typing in the local IP address of the router in your internet browser.

  • If you don’t know the IP address of the router, go to Start, Run, and type in CMD.
  • Then type IPCONFIG and the address of the router is the Default Gateway entry.
  • Now type that into your browser and log into your router.
  • If you do not know the admin username and password for your router, you can reset the router by pressing the reset button on the back and then go to default router password list sites.
  • Once you are into the router, look for anything along the lines of Port Forwarding, Virtual Server, or Applications and Gaming.
  • Now you will either be able to choose the service from some kind of drop down that will have a list like FTP, HTTP, TELNET, etc and if they have Remote Desktop or RDP, then choose that.
  • Type the IP address in the corresponding box and you’re done.
  • If the service does not show up in the list, then you have to either add a custom service or there will be some blank boxes where you can enter in the information.
  • Now enter Remote Desktop for the application name, 3389 for the internal port, 3389 for the external port, choose both TCP and UDP as the protocol.
  • Type the IP address for the computer, check the enabled box.
  • On a D-link router, it’s called Private port and Public port instead of internal and external port, but it’s always the same number 3389, so you can’t get confused.
  • Now everything should be set for you to connect to your computer from outside the local network.
  • Published by:  Ryan   
  •  2 years ago